Tuesday 30 January 2018

Hitchcock style video

Hitchcock style short video.

we used the same techniques and style as Hitchcock does in many of his films. the character perspective that appears in the video is a style that makes Hitchcock an auteur, as well as the story of a chase and fall. 

vertigo- character profiles

Vertigo character profiles:

the character profiles of each protagonist/antagonist is important to understand when understanding the plot and the intentions of Hitchcock. some common methods that Hitchcock uses to represent personalities is through mise-en-scene. this is common in scenes focusing on Madeleine and Gavin.

- authoritative, respectful, brave, impulsive, stubborn, wants to be independent, seeks adventure/excitement-he quit being a lawyer in order to become a policeman, wants action/danger- quit police force because he can no longer do exciting job, doesn't like to show weakness, likes to appear as masculine, unwilling to confront emotional problems (his fear of heights). easily excited and agitated. tries to be dominant and masculine, and wants to have control.

- sophisticated, motherly/caring- cares for Scottie throughout film when he falls ( metaphorically and literally).

- seductive, elusive, stands out, isolated, mysterious, vain, withdrawn, alluring, lustful and dangerous- displayed through the mist-en-scene of her first appearance- it is a rich red room which provides connotations of romance passion and blood. ghost-like/ethereal.

- dominant/controlling- he is able to be dominant due to his wealth and status as a man, affluent, powerful, manipulative, stuck in the past- doesn't like things changing, he became rich through his job which his wife offered him- he isn't self made. constantly surrounded by luxurious places and affluence. self aware. doesn't show much emotion. always remains relaxed, calm and collected.

Sunday 28 January 2018

Vertigo and Birds

Vertigo and Birds- Hitchcock

comparison between Vertigo and Birds. Both films were directed by Hitchcock, and there are clear similarities in terms of techniques and story lines between the two. 

In vertigo Hitchcock uses visual aspects to captivate audiences. he uses a range of bright and intriguing colours, which kept audiences interested, and also created an effect through camera movements which offered a sensation of dizziness. images of spirals and staircases can be noticed throughout the film, which builds tension due to Scotties fear of heights.

Image result for vertigo colours
bright colours of red and gold are used when Scottie first encounters
Madelyn, which signifies romance, lust and passion.  

In Birds, sound is utilised in order to create suspense and fear for audiences. the use of sound as well as the lack of sound helps build tension when the birds are about to attack and creates fear whilst the birds are attacking. the use of everyday noises and sounds are put together in such a way that an eerie and sinister tone is presented, and due to common, everyday sounds being used, audiences become more fearful and uncomfortable. 

Related image
the build up of birds creates a build up of tension
and coincides with the monotonous singing of innocent
children, which enhances the ominous atmosphere and
 forebodes their fate. 

Therefore in both films, Hitchcock builds tension using sound, imagery and camera effects. tension is created in a unique way, and in both films, anticipation for the audience is prolonged in order for the film to receive a greater reaction from viewers.

due to these similarities, Hitchcock can be described as an Auteur directer, as his films can be easily distinguished due to the style. 

Tuesday 16 January 2018

History of American film

History of American film industry

The progression of films and the film industry since the 1920s in America. which films were popular and which style of film was common at what time period.

-until WW1, France was the leading film producing country.
-by the 1920s, most films came from the US, and America is now the leading country in the exportation of films.

-1893 Edison constructed a motion picture studio in his laboratory
-Porter’s most notable film—and the most famous work of early cinema—was The Great Train Robbery (1903)

-advent of recorded sound in the 1920s changed motion pictures.
-recorded sound was almost universal by 1930.
-two new genres that flourished with the coming of sound were gangster films and musicals.
-film animation gained in popularity.

-colour films were a minority of films until the 1950s. colour movies had become the standard by the 1960s.
-increased emphasis on the importance of the director in the 1960s, which made way for independent films.

-TV had a massive impact on how films were made.- scenes became shorter because people became used to cliff hangers and instant gratification from TV shows.

-Jaws (1975) was the first film to earn more than $100 million for its studio. it was the first blockbuster.

-blockbusters wanted audience to have deep reactions to their films, so they used lots of effects and sound. e.g Jaws which used sinister music which signified the return of the deadly shark.
-blockbuster films were usually fantasies, often based on comic-book/adventure characters.
Mega-blockbusters continued to dominate Hollywood at the start of the 21st century.

-The digital video disc, or DVD, became one of the major techniques for viewing movies on computers and also began replacing videocassettes as the major format for home viewing.

Saturday 13 January 2018

vertigo compared to OFOTCN

Vertigo and OFOTCN representation comparisons.

what tare the representations of men and women in Vertigo and how is the idea of 'madness' portrayed? how does this compare to representations in One Flew Over the Cuckoos nest?

gender representations:

in Vertigo women are presented as holding power over the male characters. Madeleine uses her sexuality and desirability in order to hold power over Scottie, which helps her to succeed in covering up the murder. her power and control is also held due to her elusive nature and by the fact that as a woman, she is a symbol of seduction and illusion. Scottie seeks romantic illusion and idealistic love. this is suggested when he rejects Midge in favour of Madeleine. Midge offers a relationship that is grounded and attainable, whereas Madeleine symbolises elusive and dreamlike qualities surrounding love. her insanity is helps convey these qualities and therefore, madness in this film is intended to appear alluring and endearing.

the power division between men and women is similar in OFOTCN. the majority of men are presented as weak and submissive, however the female characters appear to posses confidence and often express dominating personalities. Nurse Ratchet exerts her domination over the patients by acting as a strong mother figure, who made them feel like submissive children. Candy shows dominance through her sexuality, as the men were shown to admire and to be in awe of her presence.

In Vertigo men are suggested to have a lack of power and freedom compared to the pre-war period. the men in the film constantly speak of their desire for more freedom and control over their lives. this lack of freedom was felt by men returning from war as there was a lot of anxiety and uncertainty felt in american society at the time.

Amy critical debate question

'Portable, digital cameras, digital sound recording equipment and non-linear digital editing have had a very significant impact on docu...