Tuesday 18 September 2018

constructivism, modernism and silent film

believed art should directly reflect modern industrial world. focuses more on the importance of creating art rather than the finished product. 'purely technical mastermind organisation of materials.'
an artistic revolution had emerged in Russia and Europe by 1917. traditional art forms were being attacked. artists often used product as a social product, reflecting the struggle of the proletariat. art no longer about the bourgeois society.

silent film:
film-makers and critics despaired with the introduction of sound in the late 1920s, and the unique aspect of film was being lost. film was no longer an innovative art form of visual expression.

celebration of modern, new life. a diverse way of constructing at giving meaning to art. Brechtian distanciation is a technique of modernist art, where the audience is made aware that the film is a construct.

Monday 17 September 2018

man with a movie camera- first viewing

man with a movie camera(1929):

during the soviet union period in Russia
focus on modern aspects of city e.g. buildings, planes, industrialised society.
melancholy mundane images of park/ homeless people- followed by focus on industry and world of work. during this change of focus, the music becomes increasingly up beat
images of dolls followed by long shots of buildings/scenery- both have associations with Russia during 1920s.
train noise coincides with build up of tension from music.
approval of the industrialised society is reflected through upbeat music.
mixing of shots- shows progression of film
men shown at physical work while women shown as domesticated workers e.g. sewing- both men and women at work in newly industrialised post WW1 society.
fast paced music reflects fast paced production due to increased consumerism.
working class jobs shown along side more middle class jobs e.g. mining compared to newspaper printing.
anti- fascist propaganda/images
development of print culture
fetishisation of the apparatus of film

example question:
 a) discuss how far your chosen films reflect aesthetic qualities associated with a particular film movement.
b) discuss how far your chosen films reflect cultural contexts associated with a particular film movement.

what to include: key elements of film form, representations and aesthetics, context, realist/expressive critical debate.

Amy critical debate question

'Portable, digital cameras, digital sound recording equipment and non-linear digital editing have had a very significant impact on docu...