Wednesday 11 April 2018



The history of Indiewood is important when studying Pulp Fiction, as the film as created around the time when independent film was increasing in popularity. we can see many characteristics of independent film in Pulp Fiction. 

during the 1980s, Hollywood reverted back to the studio era climate of the 30s and 40s. the corporate owners of the studios controlled the film businesses rather than the studio bosses themselves.gradually an alternate pathway emerged that gave independent filmmakers creative control (indiewood).
big budget Hollywood films are given a deadline and are subject to focus group viewings. independent films find their way to audiences through film festivals.

Hollywood characteristics:                                     
- fantasy
- safe
- expensive
- genre specific
- studio gets final cut
- large scale
- sequels

independent characteristics:
- realism
- controversial
- low budget
- personal vision
- director gets final cut
- intimate
-  unique

- News Corporation (Fox/ searchlight)
-Sony (Columbia/ Tristar)
- Disney (Walt Disney/ Touchstone)
-Time Warner (Warner Bros/New line)

1 comment:

  1. Can you please write a detailed introduction and explanation for this post please? Can you please tell me how this information is important for the study of Pulp Fiction. You must be upping your level of engagement.

    All the best

    Mr Cooper


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