Monday 3 December 2018

WNTTAK supermarket scene

supermarket scene:


bright/ piercing/ artificial lighting- cold and lacks warmth- highlights her paleness.
red lighting during flashback to shooting- very saturated on skin- psychological oscillation- links red to school shooting or Eva's guilt.

smooth tracking shots of Eva in supermarket deep depth of field- contrasts to handheld camera in flashbacks. Eva trying to build calm life- control over life. underlying tension from editing.
shot on 35mm anamorphic camera creates negative space- space become filled with tension- creates tension due to 'nothingness' in frames.
extreme close up of Eva's mouth while eating egg shell. shallow depth of field. uncomfortable to watch- parallel to Kevin eating.
slow zoom towards Eva in-front of soup- world closing in on her- claustrophobic feel.

muzac- flow of diegetic muzac synchronised to the speed of Eva's walk. sounds like lullaby- contrapuntal to scene.
sound of trolley- reminder of consumerism.
non-diegetic dialogue- mirrors Eva's internal thoughts. Franklin talking to Kevin. dreamlike, and soothing. envy's Franklins death as she has to live with guilt. (second viewing).
sound bridge at end of scene with Eva's non-diegetic words to Kevin

costume- long raincoat worn by Eva- acts as a disguise. dull colours. shifts focus from what she looks like. removes femininity/sexuality. ploy against male gaze.
consumerism- Eva centred between shop products(props) (centre framed).
colour desaturated (monochromatic feel to Eva).
tomato soup- Eva centre framed, saturated, background wall of red.- connotations of blood/violence/warning/ surrounded by guilt- direct reference to Andy Warhol's anti consumerist painting.
eggs reference to fertility- broken- represents grieving mother.
wine stained table- routine drinking- represents holy communion- trying to expunge her guilt.

-flashbacks- persistant enigma as information revealed only gradually.
intercutting between Eva eating eggs and the aftermath of the shooting. presents the memory as still present and persistent in the present.
-pacing- slow intensity- flashbacks have faster edits/cuts (more chaotic).

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