Wednesday 27 February 2019

NCFOM end scene


- Carla Jean positioned in front of grave- foreboding
- bleak colour of costumes of people at funeral
- only diegetic sound- builds tension when Chigurh meets Carla Jean
- lingering POV shot of the opened window- builds anticipation- Kulashov effect
- over shoulder shots when she meets Chiguhr- mirrors coin toss scene- spectator aligns with her.
- Chiguhr seated in the shadows/darkness- uncertainty about his intentions/place in the film
- long shot of Chiguhr wiping shoes as he walks out door- implied that he killed her- elliptical editing- when scene is deliberately cut off- makes spectator more active
- flat sound before car crash- creates a shock / some spectator anticipations depending on spectator
- car crash possibly persuades spectators to sympathise with Chiguhr
- long tracking camera shot of  Chiguhr walking away- resembles hero talking away at the end of typical Western- subverts genre - usually the closing shot- Chigger gets away with crimes
- dissolve shot- as Chiguhr walks away

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