Tuesday 12 February 2019

NCFOM shootout scene

Shoot-out scene:

-dark/lack of lighting- sense of anticipation/mystery/uncertainty
-golden lighting/ dark/ lack of lighting in both motel and outside- moral ambiguity/immorality over morality- constant sense of danger- spectator can't escape feeling of persistent danger/threat


-long/slow pace shots- build up on tension/intensity
-low angle shot showing Moss sitting on bed- gives him power/control dead space around him however may make him seem more vulnerable
-Kusaehov effect- spectator persuaded to align with him over Chiguhr
-close ups/ mid-shots of Moss- spectator alignment
-speed up of shots after first shot

-monotonous phone ringing from outside room
-monotone ring in background- build of tension
-lack of non-diegetic music- audience lack of direction of how to feel- more sutured- audience can make up own mind- more active spectatorship- as Moss does not want to make noise, the lack of sound enhances relationship/alignment with him
-beeps in background- become louder/quicker- intensifies scene

-shadow of feet behind door- forebodes fight scene/danger- horror trope- hybrid genre
-spectator never sees Chiguhr until the end of the scene- can't align with him- elusive character
-all that is revealed from his character is through sound/shadows- footsteps walking towards Moss behind car
-shootout takes place in urban street rather than desert- subverts western
- no resolution to their shootout/confrontation
- aiming to recreate time but time has moved on so can't

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