Saturday 23 September 2017

city of god; opening scene

City of God opening-analysis:
tight shot and fast pace. 

the opening scene foreshadows much of the film, and sets the 
atmosphere for the audience, which is why it is so significant in understanding the directors intentions. 

- the introduction of the film includes tight shots which minimise detail, which helps create mystery and anticipation. it also creates the feeling of claustrophobia and therefore discomfort.

-tight shots of knife creates sense of fear, and the blinking effect makes viewer feel as though they have woken up in the world of the
movie. this allows the audience to feel apart of the film and therefore feel more empathy.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Caitlin,

    This doesn't appear to be finished? The scene runs on for much longer than this and your analysis needs to be much more detailed. Remember the two AO's you are being examined on: AO1 - Your knowledge of film elements and AO2 - Your ability to use that knowledge of film elements to analyse film.

    If your notes for revision do not show a concerted effort to meet those AO's how do you realistically expect to meet them in your exam?

    Please can you revisit this and add to it with AO1 and AO2 in mind ASAP.

    All the best

    Mr Cooper


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