Monday 27 November 2017

pans labyrinth: a political film

To what extent is Pans Labyrinth a political film?

Evidence to suggest the extent to which Pans Labyrinth is a political film:

- Through the representations of Vidal and the other fascists, the film places a lot of focus on political ideologies and ideas. Vidal's character is unlikable to audiences which aids Del Toro's message that fascism was oppressive and inhospitable to women and the majority of civilians. the character of Vidal contrasts with the rebels, who are likeable and appear to be caring. this conveys the films message that Fascism needed to be overthrown in order to create a more accepting and loving Spain.    

- The symbolism of the fantasy element helps portray the film as political. the 'pale man' scene has connections to religion, which is significant as Del Toro often linked religion to Fascism due to its often oppressive nature and due to the fact that religion expects unquestioned obedience from its members. this therefore portrays Del Toro's opinions on fascism, as he has previously expressed his contempt towards his catholic upbringing. 

-The frog inside the tree also represents the destructive nature of the fascist regime, as the frog destroys the tree from the inside. Fascism also destroyed Spain from the inside, leaving it bereft of beauty and life. this metaphor also conveys the powerlessness held by Spanish civilians due to the oppressive nature of the fascist regime and dictators. 

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