Friday 10 November 2017

pans labyrinth: scene analysis- vidal vs merceses

Pans Labyrinth:

how are the key elements of filmed to conduct representation in this scene and how do they contribute to help construct the films messages regarding representations of gender.

gender is presented through out the film as being unequal. many different elements are used to convey this message, including sound, cinematography and mise-en-scene. during the 1940s, Spain was dictated by a fascist government. this meant the the segregation between men and women became greater and more inequalities arose.  

Through the exaggerated diegetic sound used to emphasise the rope tying up Mercedes, Del Toro presents the power division between men and women in 1940s Spain. Mercedes is encumbered by the rope, which symbolises the dominance held by Vidal over her. his dominance is also representative of the patriarchal society during the fascist regime. the emphasis put onto the rope through the exaggerated diegetic sound helps place the audiences attention on the ropes symbol of patriarchy and oppression. this portrays the films message of gender inequality, and conveys ideas of powerlessness held by women. the symbol of the rope (prop) specifically, gives a powerful message of patriarchy, as a rope is cheap and relatively weak. this suggests that women were viewed by society as easy to contain as they are also weak and fragile. the rope also suggests that society didn't care about the oppression of women, as objects of restriction used for women were common and brittle, hinting that the patriarchal system was easy to enforce. 

through the mise-en-scene and the image of Mercedes hiding her knife, Del Toro represents women as secretive and restricted. the fact that the knife is hidden suggests that women's skills and strengths had to be hidden due to the patriarchal society in Spain at the time. women's strength and power was contained due the dominance of men and the disdainful attitude that was held by powerful men against women. the audience are aware of the knife which is hidden by Mercedes, however Vidal is not. this hints that the patriarchal system and the supercilious manner possessed by people in positions of power was a flaw in the fascist regime. this idea is conveyed by the director as Vidal's downfall is partly due to the fact that he didn't acknowledge the power and intelligence of women, especially Mercedes. therefore, women are presented in this scene as powerful yet invisible through mise-en-scene. furthermore, the mise-en-scene also helps Del Toro portray powerful men as ignorant to the true strength of women, as Vidal is unaware of Mercedes intelligence and bravery, which ultimately leads to his downfall. 

Moreover, the the camera angle and positioning helps to convey male dominance in this scene. there are high angle shots on Vidal and low angle shots on Mercedes. the low angle shots suggests that women were frowned upon and were not respected by men in 1940s Spain. the high angle shots on Vidal inevitably places him in a position of authority and high status over Mercedes. the director does this to show the audience that men were the more powerful gender and that everyone was expected to look up to and show respect to men of power. Therefore the camera angles used to show Vidal and Mercedes purposefully juxtapose each other in order to illustrate the segregation and inequality between the genders under Franco's leadership, and presents women as subordinate to men in the patriarchal society.     


  1. Successful analysis of how gender is represented throughout the scene with many examples to back up your points!

    Try to include some examples of more film elements (such as editing and performance) and how they construct representations in the film. Also try to use more film terminology in your answer (such as using the director's surname throughout your answer) in order to achieve higher marks!

    AO1: 7/10
    AO2: 6/10

    13/20 - really good essay.


  2. Very informative and accurate feedback. Mark is agreed.

    All the best

    Mr Cooper


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